Setu Bandha Sarvanghasana Variations

Setu Bandha Sarvanghasana Variations

This classic pose has so many variations. You can do it actively and strengthen the backside of your body: triceps, all back muscles, buttocks, hamstrings, calves. You can also do it passively and restore your body and mind. The framework of this pose is: shoulders […]

Yoga and your bones

Yoga and your bones

It’s really amazing how beneficial practicing yoga can be. In general, moving and activating muscles will strengthen the bones. What makes a yoga practice so effective is that we remain in the pose and engage the muscles for some time. Bones are structurally built to […]

Savasana and cranial nerves

Savasana and cranial nerves

Do you know the instruction ‘Relax your jaw’ or ‘Separate the tongue from the palate’ or ‘Relax your inner ears’? Have you ever felt what it does to your physical and mental state when you can ‘broaden your tongue , feeling the palate broadening towards […]

The position of head makes the difference

The position of head makes the difference

Have a look, on both pictures she is lying and stretching backwards over the chair. The only difference is: The POSITIONING of the HEAD. Exactly this makes the difference! Top of head resting on a block like in headstand. This stimulates the top of the […]

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