Downward facing dog in crossed ropes

With your right leg step into the rope coming from the back to your left and with your left leg step into the rope coming from the back to your right. Take the ropes into your groins and fold forward into downward dog. I had my heels to the wall. The feet need to be parallel to the mat so that you spread your sitting bones and get an inner rotation in your thighs. This pose works WONDERS for people with SJ-JOINT issues. So far, each student of mine who had a problem in the sacroiliac joint found relief!

adho mukha svanasana in cross ropes
adho mukha svanasana in cross ropes

Downwrad facing dog in a rope

This downward facing dog in a rope will allow your spine to lengthen. It also takes pressure of the shoulders which is beneficial for those with shoulder injuries. Legs stay active and hands walk forward to help stretch.

Downward dog in ropes
Downward dog in ropes

Downward facing dog hanging in ropes

downward dog hanging in ropes
downward dog hanging in ropes

Practicing downdog this way helps create space in the spine. However, this is not to be done when you are a beginner because it can destabilize your spine. First start out with the variations above.

How to work feet and legs in downward facing dog

Place a belt around your calves, keep your feet parallel and push sideways into the belt. This brings liveliness into feet and legs. The inner arches of feet will lift. Good for knock knees. This is an excellent way to learn how to work feet and legs in down dog. 

ams with belt around calves
ams with belt around calves