This student has kyphosis in her upper back. In order to address her thoracic spine we practiced setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge pose). We elevated her shoulders at least 15 cm. Like this she was able to get on top of her shoulders and her head was able to drop freely and her neck could curve naturally.

shoulders elevated in bridge pose
shoulders elevated in bridge pose



In the following pictures you can see how somebody with a  forward neck posture has changed in 3 months. (picture taken from a student’s case study). The remedies are chest openers and spinal twists. Chest openers will help move the cervical spine ( neck area) into its natural curve. The twists will bring flexibility into the spine and back muscles.







Rounding the upper back often is functional and a result from sitting long hours in front of the computer, laptop or cell phone. It can also be that pectoralis minor muscles are short and pull the shoulder girdle forward and down. The shoulder tops will then show forward rather than up. Most likely the muscles on the back between the shoulder blades like the rhomboids, mid and lower trapezius muscles aren’t doing their work in pulling the shoulder blades down the back and towards the spine.