Everything was created by Sound

Everything was created by Sound

When I look at nature, I witness everything alive, moves – the waves on the sea, the clouds, the branches of the trees in the wind, the busy insects and, we, the ‘human’ beings. So, there must be something that gives life to the body, […]

Our little yoga training to the feet of Hippocrates

Our little yoga training to the feet of Hippocrates

I must say, this was one of the most wonderful settings to have a teacher training, and it was emphasizing on therapeutic benefits in yoga. It took place in KEFALOS on Kos island Greece, the birthplace of Hippocrates.   Part of the training was a […]

The power when there are no thoughts

The power when there are no thoughts

Have you heard of Prathyahara, which means the outgoing faculties – seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching-  no longer go out, but draw back.  A state of peace, effortlessness and stillness. It is so quiet that even the mind is at ease and doesn’t speak. […]

What are we here for?

What are we here for?

Every living being has an unique role. This is true for all species – plants, animals and ‘humans’. Every seed has an inert potential to it. Like the seed of a fruit tree to develop into a mature tree, carry blossoms, send out scent and […]

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