Yoga and your bones

Yoga and your bones

Strong bones

Press thighs down, draw kneecaps up and hold the pose.

Remain and hold the pose

It’s really amazing how beneficial practicing yoga can be. In general, moving and activating muscles will strengthen the bones. What makes a yoga practice so effective is that we remain in the pose and engage the muscles for some time.

Bones are structurally built to divert weight, pressure and pull. The distribution of pressure and pull is highly organized. Long bones are divided into a rigid center and spongy ends. Depending on how we are using our body, the spongy part of the bone (trabeculae) will organize its unique structure to support our activities.

Not moving and not bearing weight will result in bone loss.

Structure of bones

The structure of the Eiffel tower can give us a clue of how our bones are structured

Keep legs active

Push raised leg away from you and lower leg down to floor. Move thigh muscles towards upper thigh bones(femur).

Blood – Immune – Lymphatic System

Bone marrow is primarily located in ribs, pelvis, sternum, shoulder blades, skull and long bones (femur). This is where stem cells and new blood cells are produced. White blood cells then travel via blood to the lymphatic organs where they form together the immune system.

Conclusion: By moving a muscle towards a bone and then holding the pose will stimulate the bone’s membrane, the production of blood cells in the bone marrow and consequently the immune system. Provided, yoga is being practiced repeatedly this way.

Image of a bone

See: membrane covering the bone, spongy bone and in center the bone marrow

Open the pelvis

Working the muscles around pelvic bones stimulates the membrane of bones and consequently the production of bone marrow

Boost your systems

All in all a regular yoga practice is not only beneficial to the musculo-skeleton, immune or lymphatic system, but to all other bodily systems as well. Enjoy!

Blood flow to skull

More blood to the head through Inversions as headstand and shoulderstand.