The position of head makes the difference

The position of head makes the difference

Have a look, on both pictures she is lying and stretching backwards over the chair. The only difference is: The POSITIONING of the HEAD. Exactly this makes the difference! Top of head resting on a block like in headstand. This stimulates the top of the […]

Yoga for Scoliosis 2

Yoga for Scoliosis 2

U. has a left thoraco-lumbar scoliosis which means the major curve is to the left in the thoracic and lumbar region. See pic above. For the first 6 months I had her mainly stretch backwards because forward bends wouldn’t access the scoliosis. In fact the […]

The Secret of Restorative Yoga and Why It Works

The Secret of Restorative Yoga and Why It Works

When practicing restorative yoga and staying in a pose, we support the body for stability and comfort. The question is where the body needs to be supported and where it needs to relax and let go. First, imagine what would comfort you when you are stressed […]



With your right leg step into the rope coming from the back to your left and with your left leg step into the rope coming from the back to your right. Take the ropes into your groins and fold forward into downward dog. I had […]

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