Setu Bandha Sarvanghasana Variations

Setu Bandha Sarvanghasana Variations

This classic pose has so many variations. You can do it actively and strengthen the backside of your body: triceps, all back muscles, buttocks, hamstrings, calves. You can also do it passively and restore your body and mind. The framework of this pose is: shoulders […]

Yoga and your bones

Yoga and your bones

It’s really amazing how beneficial practicing yoga can be. In general, moving and activating muscles will strengthen the bones. What makes a yoga practice so effective is that we remain in the pose and engage the muscles for some time. Bones are structurally built to […]

My favourite half lotus variations

My favourite half lotus variations

These kind of seated twists release tension in the lower back. Just make sure you: place your sitting bones equally down on the floor. This keeps the lower back on both sides evenly long. Otherwise you may compress the shorter side when turning. Now, elongate […]

The position of head makes the difference

The position of head makes the difference

Have a look, on both pictures she is lying and stretching backwards over the chair. The only difference is: The POSITIONING of the HEAD. Exactly this makes the difference! Top of head resting on a block like in headstand. This stimulates the top of the […]

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